How To Disable Bottom Ads In Wapka.Mobi Sites shows UCWeb ads at the bottom of every wap site register under it. About 5 years ago when i start using wapka it shows ads which cost user upto 99rs (about 2 $) for a single click!

Reason is so simple why peoples are trying to stop ads at the bottom of wapka page. This can be done by adding a simple code Bottom Autocontent. If you don't know how to add bottom autocontent check here! Also you can put your ads at bottom to earn more from your wapka site and it take some less time to load.

How To Hide Wapka Ads

Just copy paste the code given below in bottom of every page by using Autocontent Tool.  And wait your site is now ads free.

Nowadays wapka shows ads which doesn't cost their users so, I will suggest you to don't follow this types of methods wich goes against wapka TOS ( Read Here ). It may leads to blocking of your site and if added then don't share with anyone else they may tell wapka admin.

Also think that if you are paying for something and trying to make money with it and someone do something like above! Then what,  will you like it? No na! then we must follow wapka's TOS.

Thanks For Reading With Us.
